
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The best line on TV last night.

Well, "exchange" rather than just a line. It happened on White Collar.

Con artist Neil Caffery to his FBI handler, Peter Burke...
Me casa is sue casa.
Burke, in return...
Sue Casa isn't even sue casa.
If you aren't familiar with the show, you will not get it. That's the way it goes.

By the way, every time I see Natalie Morales in a bit role on White Collar, I am reminded how unfortunate it is that The Middle Man never caught on.

1 comment:

  1. Old post, but...

    "By the way, every time I see Natalie Morales in a bit role on White Collar, I am reminded how unfortunate it is that The Middle Man never caught on."

    Amen, brother, amen.
