
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vibes. Good ones requested.

My friend Rob Davis learned today that he has cancer. Many of you will recognize his name because he was the co-creator with me of the online cartoon series The Dubya Chronicles, born out of another series we did for a now moribund website (they still owe us money) called Cartoon Caucus. He and I have in recent times been doing, in fits and starts, a series call Outside Looking In, which began as part of Mermaids and now has its own website.

It's prostate cancer and he sort of knew this was coming; a biopsy report today confirmed it. They have apparently caught this very early on and Rob is very positive and confident about the situation as is clear from his response when I asked him if I could share the news here"
"I'm a believer in the more people who send me positive vibes the better. Share this with whomever. I'm gonna lick this. We've caught it early (can't say that enough!). I'm not looking forward to ANY of the possible treatments, but we do what we must."
I just thought you should know. Send those good vibes, will ya?


  1. Consider good vibes sent.

    My days on CIS are fuzzy memories, but I remember Dubya Chronicles well. I'd send good wishes to anyone with cancer, but anyone who can help make that strip possible definitely deserves them.

  2. Pat-

    PGwfolc: many thanks, sir!

    This cancer doesn't know who it has decided to pick on!
