It is the curse of the dieting class, of course, that we tend to peruse ourselves more often in the mirror, sometimes approaching the level of self-absorption, and that is why I found this so intriguing.
The wife and I are currently on the weight-loss track, and I recently remarked that I find myself fatter now than the last time I weighed this amount during a diet. I say this because my memory of the last time I had a much bigger stomach than this time - last time I thought of myself as a skinny guy with a big gut, but since I don't have that same gut this time, I must be fatter overall.
22 June 2007It’s Bryson’s world. We’re all just passing through.There were
basically two reasons I toyed with going “blog” in recent weeks (i.e.,
using som...
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The wife and I are currently on the weight-loss track, and I recently remarked that I find myself fatter now than the last time I weighed this amount during a diet. I say this because my memory of the last time I had a much bigger stomach than this time - last time I thought of myself as a skinny guy with a big gut, but since I don't have that same gut this time, I must be fatter overall.